Love Bytes from Loving Honestly
Love Bytes from Loving Honestly #1 Living a Relational Life The Love bytes newsletter encourages you to reflect on your romantic, family and personal relationships and how to show up as your best self within them. A big thank you to my regular readers. If you haven’t subscribed, hit the subscribe button below and share […]
Opening the Door for Heartbreak

When heartbreak knocks, open the door wide and welcome it in. We all experience heartbreak in one form or another at some point. Loss of a loved one, loss of a life time opportunity, a shattering romantic break up. Believe it or not, some intense romantic breakups mimic the experience of having a heart attack. […]
Marital Separation: The Long Road to Closure

Marital separation is a bridge between the two islands of marriage and divorce. When it begins, many couples don’t really know which end of the bridge they’ll end up on. Reconciliation or divorce? Granted, there are those who just need a break with the full intention of coming back together. However, separation for many is […]
Stop Helping People Too Much

If you’ve been helping someone figure out their personal challenges without much progress, perhaps it’s time to step aside so they can fix it their way. Sometimes the more you try to help, the less you actually do, because giving constant support diminishes their capabilities of finding solutions that actually work for them. Besides that, […]
From Heartbreak to Love

Relationship breakups leave heavy emotional dents. Because letting go of someone who influenced you so deeply is akin to becoming a new person, it’s easy to fall into the trap of blaming him for why things didn’t work out. Sadly, most of us are taught to shun painful feelings and look outward when things go […]
Finding the One

Do you think there’s someone meant just for you? Who ticks all the right boxes, an amazing romantic, an awesome friend? Just that one guy who’ll choose you time again. The magic formula! Well, there is no magic formula to finding someone like this, and certainly trying to bundle all these traits into one person […]
Mom, Please Tell Me About Love

I asked my nineteen-year-old daughter to tell me what she’d like mothers (and fathers if they can take it) to know about preparing their girls for romantic relationships. Here’s what she said. Budding Sexuality Transitioning from ‘stay away from boys’ to ‘why are you single’ with an African mother is something just short of traumatic. […]
3 Things to Consider at the Dating Stage before Marital Commitment

Dating is a glorious experience and one which goes beyond finding a long term partner. If you are in a place of ease and feel no pressure to settle down, then dating is a time to become more and more self-aware of who and what brings out the best in you. Many a girl […]
Couples are stuck in a Vicious Cycle of Conflict

If you’ve ever wondered why some couples seem to have never-ending problems, most likely they are stuck in a problematic cycle that continues to escalate each time the issue surfaces. For instance, what begins as a wife’s distress with her husband working late becomes suspicions of adultery months later. If she feels as if she’s […]
Fall For Someone Who Will Catch You

Falling in love can happen so quickly you hardly realize at which point the world began revolving around your new love. Once this happens, the goal for most is to commit, particularly in the time of adult dating. Oftentimes the progression is smooth and ends in the couple settling down for the long haul. Of […]